Max Eisinger is one of his generation’s most sought-after and eclectic violinist, improviser and composer in Germany. He studied classical violin, jazz and composition in Nuremberg, Hanover, Warsaw, and Amsterdam, before he decided to live in Berlin. The main focus of his artistic work is based on the Feuerbach Quartett, in which he functions as a violinist, arranger and composer.
Max’s broad musical education and talents enable him not only to play various styles and genres on a highly professional level, but to combine them with each other, and thus create a new musical language. This ability made Max an internationally successful musician and composer, working not only all around Germany, but also in Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Luxemburg, Poland, Ireland, and the Netherlands.
Max Eisinger is represented as a solo artist in different line-ups by the booking agency MERKLE KULTURKONZEPTE .

As a teacher and lecturer he shares his experience and knowledge with his students. He was teaching at the University of Music, Theatre and Drama in Hanover, the “Jeunesses Musicals”, the Bundeswettbewerb “Jugend Musiziert”, and is part of the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen’s participation project “Music Lab — Join The Sound”, which was awarded with the renowned Opus Klassik award in 2021. Since January 2021 Max holds a lecturer position at the Academy of Theatre and Dance in Amsterdam.

Upcoming concerts
- Fr, 21.- 23. MärHamburgWorkshop/Masterclass: Swing|Muv Atelier
- So, 06.München (Haar)Feuerbach Quartett
- Mi, 09.HeiligenhausFeuerbach Quartett